
CRSTRA - Scientific and Technical Research Centre on Arid Regions

Biskra, Algeria

ECRM - European Interrregional Education Centre on major risks management

Yerevan, Armenia

ECMHT - European Centre on Training and Information of Local and Regional Authorities and Population in the Field of Natural and Technological Disasters

Baku, Azerbaijan

ISPU - Higher Institute of Emergency Planning

Florival, Belgium

\NTC  - National Training Centre

Sofia, Bulgaria

ECRP - European Centre for Risk Prevention

Sofia, Bulgaria

BE-SAFE-NET - European Centre for Disaster awareness with the use of the Internet

Nicosia, Cyprus

CerCo - Specialised European Centre on Coastal Risks

Biarritz, France

EMSC - European Mediterranean Seismological Centre

Bruyères-le-Châtel, France

CERG European Centre for Seismic and Geomorphological Hazards

Strasbourg, France

GHHD - European Centre on Geodynamical Risks of High Dams

Tbilisi, Georgia

GFMC - The Global Fire Monitoring Center

Freiburg, Germany

ECPFE - European Centre on Prevention and Forecasting of Earthquakes

Athens, Greece

ECFF - European Centre on Forest Fires

Athens, Greece

CUEBC - European University for the Cultural Heritage

Ravello, Italy

ECGS - European Centre for Geodynamics and Seismology

Walferdange, Luxemburg

ICoD - Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Insular Coastal Dynamics

La Valletta, Malta

ECMNR - European Centre for Mitigation of Natural Risks

Chisinau, Moldova

CEPRIS - Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Evaluation and Prevention of Seismic Risk

Rabat, Morocco

CERU - European Centre on Urban Risk

Lisbon, Portugal

ECBR - European Centre for Rehabilitation of Buildings

Bucharest, Romania

ECNTRM - European Centre of New Technologies for the Management of Natural and Technological Major Hazards

Moscow, Russian Federation

CEMEC - European Centre for Disaster Medicine

San Marino, San Marino

CEISE - European Centre on Social Research in Emergency Situations

Madrid, Spain

ECILS - European Centre on the Vulnerability of Industrial and Lifeline Systems

Skopje, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

AFEM - European Natural Disasters Training Centre

Ankara, Turkey

TESEC - European Centre of Technological Safety

Kiev, Ukraine