Research Programs

no Title Institution Scientist in Charge Year of delivery
1 Behaviour of historical and traditional structures under seismic loading: The case of the Aegean Sea. NTUA P. Touliatos 2001
2 Study of masonry, reinforced by timber ties – Guidelines for structural interventions. NTUA P. Touliatos 2005
3 Geotechnical Issues and Issues of Soil – Monuments Interaction. NTUA G. Bouckovalas 2009
4 Draft Regulatory Document NTUA Th. Tassios 2010
5 Draft Framework Regulatory Document For Structural Interventions and Seismic Protection of Monuments. NTUA E. Vintzileou 2011
7 Αξιολόγηση μεθοδολογίας δευτεροβάθμιου Προσεισμικού Ελέγχου για κτίρια από φέρουσα τοιχοποιία και εφαρμογή της μεθοδολογίας σε 4 επιλεγμένα κτίρια του ιστορικού κέντρου του Ναυπλίου. Un. Patras S. Dritsos 2014

Second level Pre-earthquake Assessment for masonry buildings.

Un. Patras S. Dritsos 2014
9 Classification of structural types of Monuments and determination of parameters affecting their structural behavior. Group study Group study 2015
10 Creation of a digital data base for Monuments "e-Monuments". UOA S. Hatziefthimiadis 2015
11 Pre-earthquake assessment of Monuments. Group study Group study 2016
12 Code for Seismic Design of non-structural building elements. NTUA K. Trezos 2016
13 Evacuation Planning of Critical Infrastructures in case of an Earthquake or a Fire for People with Disabilities European Center for Forest Fires (ECFF) Group study 2016
14 Verification of methodologies for the pre-earthquake assessment of monuments Group Study I. Psycharis 2018
15 First Degree Pre-Earthquake Assessment for Masonry Monuments of Structural Categories D3 and F4 Group Study I. Psycharis 2019
16 Seismic Risk Assessment of the Historical Center of Lefkas Group Study I. Psycharis 2019
17 Enrichment of the Database, BeSafeNet with information material on the protection of monuments from natural and technological hazards. In collaboration with the European Centre on Disaster Awareness, Cyprus   S. Mavroulis 2021
18 Preseismic Assessment of the Traditional Dwellings and Vulnerability Assessment of the Old town of Rhodes Ottoman Period   J.A. Dourakopoulos 2021
19 Compilation of Guidelines for Evacuation Exercise of the Medieval City of Rhodes   S. Mavroulis 2021
20 English translation of the EPPO’ s Manual «Instruction Manual for Planning and Implementing Emergency Exercises for Earthquake»   S. Mavroulis 2021
21 Multi-hazard Risk Approach and Inclusive Community Engagement in Disaster Risk Management: Experiences & Lessons learned by a recent Wildfire Event in the Greek Island of Rhodes amidst COVID-19 pandemic crisis European Center for Forest Fires (ECFF) Group Study 2021
22 P. Tsalis P. Tsalis 2022
Group Study
Group Study 2022
24 Leave No One Behind     2024